Request a copy of a contract or agreement

Information on how to request a copy of a Pitney Bowes contract or agreement.

Sign in to Your Account to request a copy of a Pitney Bowes contract, agreement or subscription. Copies of contracts cannot be downloaded directly from your online portal.

  1. Sign in to the Pitney Bowes Your Account online portal.
  2. If prompted, select the Your Account business portal, otherwise, you will be directed to your Your Account dashboard.
  3. Select the Help Center & Cases menu and click Help Center
  4. Select Lease/Rental Contracts. On the next screen select your contract type: 
    • How can I request a copy of my lease contract?
    • How can I request a copy of my rental contract?
  5. Scroll to the Request a copy of your Pitney Bowes contract section, then choose the account number you need the contract for.
    Creating a case account number selection
  6. Enter any information relating to your query in the details section of the case.
  7. Select Submit.

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UPDATED: August 13, 2024