"Waste Tank Full" or "Waste Tank Near Full" message on the DM100i and DM200L

Learn how to resolve a "Waste Tank Full" or "Waste Tank Near Full" message on the DM100i and DM200L.
Products affected: DM100i® (P700, P705), DM200L™ (P7L1, P7L5)


Alert: The USPS has discontinued all IBI meter technology, and many devices must be returned and withdrawn from service by the end of 2024. If your device is affected, new business rules will disrupt your mailing operation. Check Your Account to see if your device is affected and contact your Account Representative to migrate to a compliant solution.

Your meter displays the message "Waste Tank Near Full" or "Waste Tank Full", and may not print.


Excess ink from purges and heavy use eventually fills the ink waste tank in the meter.
  • When the ink reservoir nears capacity, the meter displays the message "Waste Tank Near Full".
  • When ink reservoir reaches full capacity, the meter displays the message "Waste Tank Full".


Step 1: Create a case to request a replacement waste pad

  1. Sign in and create a technical support case to request a replacement waste pad as soon as either of these messages appear. The waste pad must be replaced by a Pitney Bowes technician. You cannot purchase or replace the waste pad yourself.
    • You can temporarily suspend the "Waste Tank Near Full" message and continue processing mail for a short time.
    • Once the "Waste Tank Full" message appears, the meter becomes inoperable and requires immediate service.

Step 2: Temporarily suspend the "Waste Tank Full" or "Waste Tank Near Full" message to process mail

Follow these steps to temporarily suspend the "Waste Tank Near Full" message and process mail.
First, put the meter into Service Mode and clear the message.
  1. Unplug the meter.
  2. Wait one minute.
  3. Plug the meter back in.
  4. Press and hold both the Space and Shift keys when the Initializing screen displays (the second screen to display during startup). You should be prompted for a password.
    • If you are not prompted for your password, go back to Step 1.a. and try again, making sure to press and hold both the keys at the Initializing screen.
  5. When prompted for your password, release the keys and enter 6946.
  6. Select the Diagnostics screen on the meter display.
  7. Select PM Maintenance.
  8. Press Page Down until Clear Waste Tank, Clear Waste Count, Reset Waste Count, or Reset Waste Tank displays.
  9. Press Yes/Enter.
  10. Select Continue.
  11. Select Continue until you reach the Home screen.
  12. Enter 9287 if the machine asks for a code to proceed.
After you clear the message, reboot the meter.
  1. Unplug the power cord.
  2. Wait one full minute.
  3. Plug the power cord back in, ensuring that it is plugged directly into a wall outlet.

UPDATED: September 25, 2024