Receiving email notifications when postage is added to a meter

Learn how to set email alerts to notify you when funds have been added to a specific postage meter.

Sign in to Your Account to set up email notifications when postage is added to a meter.

  1. Sign in to the Pitney Bowes Your Account online portal.
  2. If prompted, select the Your Account business portal, otherwise, you will be directed to your Your Account dashboard.
  3. Select Your Account and click Email Notifications.
  4. Select Meter Postage Refill.
  5. ​​​Select the Manage Notifications link for the account where the meter is located.
  6. Select the meter number from the Meter Serial Number menu.
  7. Input the email address(s) that should receive the refill notification.
  8. Select the Add button.
  9. Select Submit.

UPDATED: August 07, 2024