Viewing contract details online

Learn how to access your contract details through your online portal. You can view start/end dates, contract numbers, meter information, additional equipment, and billing addresses.

Sign in to Your Account to view your contract details, including product information, contract dates, and equipment and software items. 

Access contract details online

  1. Go to the signin page.
  2. If prompted, select a portal, otherwise, you will be directed to your Your Account dashboard. 
    • Your Account for billing, account management, leases and rentals 
    • Shipping 360 for the shipping and mailing cloud-based platform 
  3. Select the Your Account menu and click Contract Details
  4. Select the Contract Details button for the desired contract.
  5. You can navigate between the three tabs to view your contract details
    •  Product & Account Info: View serial numbers, account numbers and addresses for products under the contract. 
    •  Contract Dates: View the start and end dates of your contract. 
    • Equipment & Software: View all equipment and software under your contract. 

UPDATED: July 29, 2024