Adding or refilling postage on a DM300C-DM475

To print postage on your mailpieces, you must transfer postage funds from your Pitney Bowes account to your meter.
Products affected: DM300C, DM400C™, DM450C™, DM475

Alert: After September 29, Pitney Bowes will disable postage refills on IBI meters affected by the new 2024 USPS mailing requirements. If your device is affected, migrate to a compliant solution to avoid business disruption. Check Your Account to see if your device is affected and contact your Account Representative.

To print postage on your mailpieces, you must transfer postage funds from your Pitney Bowes account to your meter. The meter deducts the amount of your postage from the available funds on your meter. When your meter funds are low, you must add or refill more postage from your Pitney Bowes account. 

Before you begin

Make sure you are connected to the internet.
  1. Press Refill Postage.
  2. Select a refill option.
    • Select Refill $--  to refill the same amount of postage as the last time you refilled postage. The screen displays the actual dollar amount you last refilled, such as Refill Amount $500.
    • Select Another Amount to specify the amount of money you wish to transfer from your Pitney Bowes account to your meter.
      1. Press the Clear button.
      2. Enter the desired amount.
      3. Select Accept.
  3. Select Yes to verify the amount and begin the transfer. When the message Postage Refill Complete appears you have successfully refilled your postage.
  4. Select a print option.
    • Select Print Receipt to print a receipt. 
      1. Press Tape or have an envelope ready to insert into the machine. 
    • Press Continue if you do not wish to print a receipt.
  5. Your meter checks for available software updates. If software updates are available, select Download Now.
  6. Select Return Home to return to your Home screen.
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UPDATED: September 25, 2024