Resolve "Server component not invoked" when rating ConnectShip carriers in SendSuite Live

Learn how to resolve the error "Server component not invoked" when rating ConnectShip carriers in SendSuite Live.
Products affected: SendSuite® Live


When attempting to rate a ConnectShip carrier (USPS Server, UPS Consolidated, DHL Express, etc.) in SendSuite Live, the error "Server component not invoked." is displayed.


ConnectShip updates were processed without running maintenance on the carrier components within the Progistics Management Console.


  1. Select Windows Start > All Programs > ConnectShip Progistics.
  2. Right-click on Progistics Management Console and select Run as administrator.
  3. On the left side, select Server Components.
  4. Components for which maintenance is required will be displayed in red. Right-click on each red component and select Run Maintenance.
  5. Reset Internet Information Services (IIS).
  6. Close all Internet Explorer windows, reopen, and continue processing.

UPDATED: July 29, 2024