Elevate your employee sign-in experience

Elevate your employee sign-in experience

With Pitney Bowes Smart Access Management®, you can now control, manage and onboard any contractor that enters your premises, save the necessary documentation, and track compliance levels across your sites.

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Streamline operations with our employee sign-in solution

Understand the movement of staff and optimise their experience with Smart Access Management
Effortless Check-in and Check-out

Effortless Check-in and Check-out

No more outdated paperwork. We offer a contactlessdigital solution that enables all employees to seamlessly check-in and check-out using either their smartphone or the Pitney Bowes companion app.
This innovative tool provides real-time visibility of your employee's status and location.

Increase transparency across your sites

Increase transparency across your sites

Empower your decision-making with accurate, real-time data. During critical emergency evacuations, the swift and accurate location of your employees becomes is utmost important. Our software's evacuation mode enables you to effortlessly identify which staff members are on the premises and who are off-site during roll calls.

Streamline audits with easily accessible data

Streamline audits with easily accessible data

Our system is your one-stop solution for both real-time and historical data, available through a centralised online portal. This robust tool simplifies your reporting and audit procedures, ensuring you meet all compliance requirements with ease.

Enhance your employee sign-in & free up their time


Transparency in the workplace

Track of everyone who steps onto your premises, ensuring complete visibility.

Ensuring Visitor Data Security

Guarantee the safety of your data with encryption and thorough audits. Ensures your security and the privacy of visitor's information

Accurate record-keeping

Securely retains digital logs of all visitor information. Supporting you through audits or emergencies

Get data-driven Insights

security enhancing insights highlight peak visiting hours and average duration of visits.

Simple management across multiple sites

The single overview across all your locations improves security, streamlines operations, and better compliance
SMS Notification

Stay up to date with real-time alerts

As soon as your guests complete check-in hosts are instantly informed about their arrival
Remove manual tasks with the companion app

Remove manual tasks with the companion app

Gain control over traditional administrative and manual tasks with the intuitive Smart Access Management app. Manage site attendance and document approval with ease and benefit from added suite of emergency response features.


Frequently asked questions

Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions people ask us about Pitney Bowes Smart Access Management®

Simplify your visitor management process

Discover our innovative solutions for efficient visitor management and enhanced security.