Pitney Bowes Services

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Design, build and deploy new systems with minimal project risk. Proven methodologies, strong project governance and domain expertise ensure smooth, successful integrations into complex environments.

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Site Survey Services
Assure your technology solution installs without delay with professional site readiness surveys.
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Relocation Services
Minimize the impact of relocation on your organization. Our experienced team will guide and assist with preparation, tear down and reassembly to expedite the entire moving process.
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Installation Services
We’ll handle the setup and installation of your new Mailing and Shipping technology, enabling you to focus on your core business.
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Mail Run Assistance
Expert, on-site, on-demand assistance for large mail runs. When there are large volumes to run in a short period of time, you can’t afford down time and the expense of bringing in underqualified, temporary help to make deadlines.
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Valet Services
Take advantage of our proven skills and expertise. Pitney Bowes knows all the critical elements of an integrated print, mail and document processing ecosystem. We have proven industry experience helping clients reach operational and business goals faster.

At your side when you need it

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Carrier Assist

Get the guidance you need to set up your multi-carrier support for PitneyShip™ Pro, including UPS and Canada Post accounts.
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Operator Coaching

Add to the savings and efficiencies you gain from your Pitney Bowes software and hardware. Count on our experts to help you identify your best opportunities, optimize infrastructure and streamline integrations.