Updating the status of undelivered packages in bulk in PitneyTrack Inbound

You can update the status of any packages in the system that have not yet been marked as delivered to "Bulk Delivered".
Products affected: PitneyTrack® Inbound

You can update the status of any packages in the system that have not yet been marked as delivered to "Bulk Delivered". Packages updated using this option will say "Bulk Delivered" in the Given To and Comments fields.

  1. From the Receiving menu at the top, select Package Activity under Packages.
  2. Select Bulk Deliver.
    Bulk Deliver button
  3. Select the date range of packages you want to mark as Bulk Delivered.
  4. If you select Custom Range, select the calendar icon and select the date range.
  5. Select the Site whose packages you wish to update. By default, All sites is selected.
  6. Select Bulk Deliver.
    Bulk Deliver window

UPDATED: 25 September 2024