Trinity College Cambridge adds colour to its communications

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Client profile
  • The largest of the 31 colleges that are part of the University of Cambridge
  • Home to over 1,000 students
  • Substantial portfolio of rental properties that generates considerable volumes of mail.
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Business challenge
  • The mailing process was changing, requiring reassessment of equipment needs.
  • The new franking area was smaller, demanding a compact machine.
  • The machine needed to handle regular daily volumes of 500 letters.
  • Capability to manage peak volumes of over 3,000 items per day during peak times, specifically when sending rent invoices.
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  • Streamlines mailing processes, ensuring accurate and timely dispatch of mail.
  • Guarantees proper postage application and correct departmental billing, preventing overspending.
  • Utilises full colour capabilities to promote college activities and events effectively
  • Reduces margin of error in the mailroom, leading to smoother operations.
  • Enhances the overall presentation and perceived value of mailed communications.
The full colour facility is a fantastic bonus, and I believe that it will add value to our mail as we look to promote the activities and events of the different departments
Peter Windmill, Head Porter

Franking machine creates opportunities

A world-class institution, Trinity College Cambridge comprises academic departments as well as multiple offices performing support functions, including the alumni relations office, the bursary department and the tutorial office. All of these departments send and receive mail daily, and it is all processed by the Porter’s Lodge.

Trinity college logo

Business challenge

When the existing franking contract with Pitney Bowes was due for renewal, Head Porter Peter Windmill decided to look at alternative machines. ‘We were changing the way we do our mailing’, explains Peter. ‘We had a new franking area which was smaller than the previous space, so we needed a more compact machine that could still accommodate our mailing volumes’.

The Porter’s Lodge processes 500 letters per day on average, but at peak times it can be a lot more. The college owns significant property and when the time comes to send out the rent invoices, mail volumes can reach over 3,000 items per day


As a long-term Pitney Bowes customer, Trinity College decided to stay with the company. ‘We didn’t look at any competitors’, says Peter. ‘We’ve been with Pitney Bowes for over ten years, and I couldn’t see any reason to change. The service is very good, and over the years, I’ve gotten to know the engineers by name. They are always quick to respond if we have any problems’.

Importantly, the new SendPro® P-series franking machine offered the college the option to print full-colour marketing messages across the full width of each envelope. It was this full-colour option that was the main selling point for the college. The alumni organisation has already expressed interest in using the function to promote its activities. Other departments and organisations within the college have also been made aware of the opportunity, and there are plans to use mail to promote college events.

The graphics capabilities of the machine will allow different logos to be included on letters from different parts of the college at the touch of a button. As well as the colour function, the college had some more fundamental franking requirements that the new machine needed to fulfill. For example, it was essential that the machine was capable of processing high volumes. The SendPro® P2000 franking machine can process up to 180 letters per minute, ensuring that even in these busy periods, the college’s mailing process runs smoothly

As well as invoices and standard letters, the college regularly sends out heavier items such as prospectuses and books to countries all over the world. This is when the Dimensions-on-the-Way™ function incorporated into the SendPro® P-series machine is invaluable. The system calculates the correct postage automatically, ensuring that the right amount is applied for the weight and destination of the package. The college has also found the accounting facilities of the machine particularly useful. The SendPro® P2000 franking machine offers up to 500 accounts, allowing the college to have a separate account for each department and office. Separating the mail expenditure of each department makes charging back costs straightforward.

‘For us, the SendPro P200 offers the full package. It enables the mail room to operate accurately and efficiently.’
Peter Windmill, Head Porter


‘For us, the SendPro P200 offers the full package’, summarises Peter. ‘It enables the mail room to operate accurately and efficiently. I know that the correct postage is applied to each piece of mail and that it is charged to the appropriate department. The full colour facility is a fantastic bonus, and I believe that it will add value to our mail as we look to promote the activities and events of the different departments within the college’.

SendSuite® Tracking

Technology used – SendPro® P200

Process high volumes of mail and parcels at high speeds with built-in technologies that optimise and simplify mailing, shipping, and tracking workflow, all whilst saving significant time and money. The SendPro P-series is much more than an ordinary franking machine, it’s a fully automatic office mail system with the speed, capacity and features you need to get business done..

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