Seven steps to a buzzworthy campaign

Content and creativity are key.

According to Royal Mail,1 72% of people said they open all their post and 57% reported that mail makes them feel more valued. Taking advantage of this sentiment, how do you craft a mailing that spreads a marketing message beyond the initial recipients? Here’s a handy checklist for creating buzz.

1. Keep your message top-of-mind

Group of people looking at a paper

As you develop copy, keep a close eye on whether your product’s unique selling point is clear to readers. Ask for feedback from focus groups or marketing pros before finalising copy.

2. Appeal to readers’ emotions

A happy man

A marketing message with emotional impact — whether funny or heartwarming — is more likely to be shared. Case in point: the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge fundraising videos that swept the Internet in 2014 were seen by tens of millions of people worldwide, in large part because they were so personal, with participants asking other individuals to take part.2 (Meanwhile, make sure to keep branding to a minimum, since overtly sales-focused language may actually turn off readers and keep your mailing from being shared.3)

3. Be different — but not too different

Different size of mailers

Experiment with different sizes and styles of mailers. The more eye-catching and creative your mailing, the more likely it is to be kept and shared by recipients. But beware of creating shapes or designs that are so different they are too expensive to create or mail. Work with a designer who understands the total cost of sending, so that you don’t end up with a wonderful piece that costs so much it can’t make a profit.

4. Push the envelope (within reason)

Man pointing on envelope

Consider sending out several different messages in small test runs to see what generates the largest reach and response. Remember, however, that too small a test run may yield results that can’t be trusted.4 Search online for calculators that can help measure how many pieces you need to mail to yield statistically significant results, or work with an expert data service to make sure that your results are verifiable — and repeatable.

5. Share it!

Aperson looking into his mobile

Take advantage of personalised URLs (PURLs) to drive people to a website where they can share your message with friends. Make sure the site offers buttons for sharing on a wide range of popular social media platforms.5 Also, take advantage of social media for your own marketing efforts:  92 percent of marketers say social media is important to their business, and Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most commonly used social media platforms.6 Early afternoon is the optimal time to post on outlets such as Facebook, and Thursday and Friday tend to be the days where posts receive the most attention from readers.7

6. Go omnichannel

Lady watching on tab

Tactics that drive people online are great. Once you get them to your website, take advantage of newer technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality applications, to enhance the marketing message. With these technologies, users may be able to see themselves wearing a new outfit, or visualise how a piece of furniture might look in their home.

7. Evaluate your efforts

2 People looking at a monitor

Once you’ve launched your direct mail campaign, determine what’s working and what’s not through traditional metrics, such as response rates and website visits. Use advanced metrics to measure your audience’s attention and engagement: for instance, figure out not just how many people watched your video, but also how many watched the entire video.8 Take advantage of online tools, too: Google Alerts can tell you when news stories or blog posts mention your company, and Topsy tracks mentions on Twitter. These important metrics can yield critical information to help influence future direct mail efforts.

1 1 to 1 Marketing with Mail and Digital, “How to Make Direct Mail Work for Your Business,” Chad Brooks, Business News Daily, March 20, 2014
“7 Marketing Lessons from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,” Steve Olenski,, August 22, 2014
3 “Research: The Emotions that Make Marketing Campaigns Go Viral,” Kelsey Libert & Kristin Tynski, Harvard Business Review, October 24, 2013
4 “Direct Marketing Best Practices: Test, Test, Test,”
“PURL Jam: 6 ways personalized URLs can help increase the virality of your campaigns,” Daniel Bunstein, MarketingSherpa Blog, April 12, 2012
“2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report,” Social Media Examiner, May 2015
“What Are the Best Times to Post on Social Media,” Neil Patel,, January 2, 2015
8 “6 Buzz Phrases Marketers Should Take Seriously in 2015,” Natasha D. Smith, Direct Marketing News, January 12, 2015