Looking for more profit? Visit the mail room

How much do you invest in managing reputational risk? How many people in your firm are tasked with ensuring client details and paperwork is in order? How much time do you think you spend doing the simplest things like chasing mail and looking for lost paperwork?

The numbers can be staggering. The legal industry is facing real challenges, both from regulatory bodies and ever-demanding clients. For all kinds of reasons there is a downward pressure on fees. Billable hours are sacred, they always have been, but now any time spent on admin costs the firm in a very transparent way. Any risk to client data or interruption to work through misplaced information is unacceptable. Even missed payments can have a serious affect on cashflow.

Lost hours and lost information are not great for a professional services firm. It’s why you’ve invested heavily in different types of staff, new technology and investigated new ways of working.

Your mailroom, in stark contrast, runs on pens and paper

SendSuite® Tracking Online will deliver not just a more professional mailroom, but a more professional firm. When mail is received it is scanned. This triggers a rigorous, audit-friendly process that works in perfect harmony with your current technology.

First, the system logs the sender and generates an email to the recipient. Hardly ground breaking but it’s time someone isn’t sat on the phone, hand typing an email or running up and down a walkway in an office looking for someone.

Mail can then be retrieved at the mailroom or added to regular deliveries. Mailroom workers are issued with handsets, exactly like the ones couriers use. That means every item is signed for so lost or misplaced mail should be a thing of the past. Every item is trackable. Every item is easy to locate. Every signature is logged.

You want to run a report on mail volumes? Easy. Split by location, team, individual or client? No problem. Need to find a document that was sent to a colleague last Wednesday? A couple of clicks. Want to work remotely or across several sites? It’s all in the cloud. Do you want your mail manager to work (and look) smarter and have information at their fingertips? SendSuite does it all.

Pressure from clients around data protection, around efficiency and around billing are never going to go away. Old-fashioned departments and outmoded practices will.

SendSuite® Tracking Online is exactly the kind of modern, tech-driven solution that can help legal firms reduce mailroom operational costs, unburden front-office employees and guarantee that personnel are receiving and sending the packages they need, on time and to their intended recipients, with transparent reporting all along the way.