Outbound Mail

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Care package: Pitney Bowes software helps improve efficiency in college and university mail centres
In the e-tailing age, receiving, storing and delivering packages has never been more challenging — especially for mail centres serving large populations in confined spaces. In New York City, for example, the time-honored practice of doormen signing for residents' packages is ending.
05/08/2024Outbound Mail
Safeguarding client data: the paramount importance of data privacy
Discover effective strategies for small businesses to safeguard client data. Learn about ethical and regulatory requirements for data privacy.
3m read21/11/2023Outbound Mail
Insourcing vs. outsourcing: the strategic choice for your mail operations
Explore the strategic decision of insourcing vs. outsourcing mail operations, addressing myths, understanding risks, and ensuring data security
3m read21/11/2023Outbound Mail
Stepping up your mail processing game: the power of automated inserting systems
Discover the power of automated inserting systems to increase mailing accuracy and efficiency, enhance customer engagement, and streamline your mail operations
21/11/2023Outbound Mail
Hybrid Mail vs Direct Mail: Finding the Best Communication Solution for Your Business
Experience the best of both worlds with our innovative hybrid mail solution, blending the tangible impact of direct mailings with the conveniences of cost-effective digital marketing. Make the switch to hybrid mail today!
5m read11/07/2023Outbound Mail
Driving operational excellence in a more connected, always-on business environment
Shift to the digital world and gain operational excellence with Pitney Bowes’ streamlined and automated hybrid mail platform 
4m read07/02/2021Outbound Mail
Evolving to be digital first
Support your digital transformation journey, become faster, more agile and resilient with a hybrid mail platform
4m read07/02/2021Outbound Mail
Regulatory compliance is increasingly complex in a digital business landscape
Discover a competitive advantage with Pitney Bowes’ secure and compliant hybrid print and mail platform ​
07/02/2021Outbound Mail
Driving greater efficiency is critical to becoming more agile
Shift to the digital world and gain operational excellence with Pitney Bowes’ streamlined and automated hybrid mail platform ​
4m read07/02/2021Outbound Mail